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Travestis y Trans Escorts en Toronto, Ontario

TS del Día

You can now fulfill your pornstar fantasy with me!! I’m a very chill fun girl who loves to enjoy life to the fullest! I value my health and safety so all encounters will be safe and clean. I enjoy fun outings such as all forms of entertainment, dining out, shopping, the fine arts, and I’m always available for travel with all expenses paid by you. I’m a versatile lover and make sure your experience is always a fun and relaxing time. I encourage you to add me on social media platforms to enjoy my daily adventures. I do ask that you are healthy and clean along with great hygiene when meeting me. We all must stay smart during these crazy Corvid-19 times so please please please stay home or reschedule our meeting if you are feeling sick!! I would love you and respect you even more if you tooK other’s health into consideration. Now let’s have some fun and make memories together!!
Miami, FL
16 May, 16:06
28 Y/O
I Am
Trans woman
1 Video

ts4rent exclusive

Toronto, Ontario TS Escorts, Shemale & Trans escorts