Alexaheart - Pre-op TS Escort in Manhattan, NY

Manhattan, NY
Última conexión: Private
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Manhattan, NY
GPS Manhattan, NY
Distancia N/A
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mis datos
Soy Pre-op
Edad 27
Origen étnico Asiático
Cuerpo Slim
Rol Versátil
Estatura 5'7" - 167 cm
Peso 130lbs - 58 kg
Cabello Negro
Color de ojos Castaños
Senos Medianos
Tamaño del Pene 6 In - 15cm
Nalgas Trasero grande y redondo
Disponible para Hombres
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Smoking No
Thickness Average
Estado de salud
Estado de VIH Negative
Mi casa 600
Tu casa 800
Por Noche N/A
Travestis escorts en Manhattan, NY
Este sitio prohíbe cualquier oferta o solicitud de prostitución. La información proporcionada es sólo para fines de entretenimiento, y cualquier actividad que se realice fuera de este sitio está fuera de nuestro control y está destinada a ser estrictamente entre adultos que consienten.

alexaheart's blog

  • alexaheart

    ATTN! Contact Terms and Conditions:

    Publicado por alexaheart

    By initiating contact, you agree to provide a clear introduction including relevant details. If unable to provide a photo, please describe your appearance accurately.

    All appointments are subject to acceptance following thorough communication. Rushed inquiries skipping these steps will not be entertained.

  • alexaheart

    Companionships: Understanding and Agreement

    Publicado por alexaheart

    Companionship, it's all about understanding each other and agreeing on what works best.

    Think of it like putting together a puzzle – you need to find the right pieces that fit together perfectly. Once we get what the other person needs and wants, we can make great things happen! It's like finding a study buddy who's just as into science as you are or a teammate who loves soccer as much as you do. And when it comes to scheduling hangouts or study sessions, let's make sure we're on the same page beforehand, so we don't end up double-booking ourselves or missing out on the fun.

    So, let's work together, communicate openly, and build awesome friendships based on understanding and agreement!

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