Pamelaseattle - Shemale Escort in Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA
Última conexión: 27 Mar, 10:52
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Seattle, WA
GPS Seattle, WA
Distancia N/A
map me
Mis datos
Soy Shemale
Edad 28
Origen étnico Latino
Cuerpo Atlético
Estatura 5'6" - 164 cm
Peso 140lbs - 63 kg
Cabello Negro
Color de ojos Castaños
Senos Grandes
Tamaño del Pene 8 In - 20cm
Nalgas Grandes
Disponible para Hombres
Estado de salud
Mi casa 300
Tu casa 600700
Por Noche 3000
Travestis escorts en Seattle, WA
Este sitio prohíbe cualquier oferta o solicitud de prostitución. La información proporcionada es sólo para fines de entretenimiento, y cualquier actividad que se realice fuera de este sitio está fuera de nuestro control y está destinada a ser estrictamente entre adultos que consienten.

Pamelaseattle's blog

  • Pamelaseattle

    2 full weeks in the area /Seattle

    Publicado por Pamelaseattle

    Hello my sexy ones I just go back to Seattle and ready to make you all happy 😊 I'll be in town just two full week then I go out traveling again I'll be returning to work in Seattle (my home)sometime on dic/January lovesssssssss

  • Pamelaseattle

    Hope you all read this

    Publicado por Pamelaseattle

    Let me get my bitch my mood out today :. Please Do not waste my time by offering me 100 or asking for a quick -rate session (what in the fuck that even mean). I have NO specials,I don't do discount ,even if you cute white" 23 years OLD student no NOT even that! I have rent , hormones ,make up, clothes, shoes, future plastic surgery to pay And all that is not cheap all that have no discount all that won't make exceptions. If my grammar is not that cute sorry Ingles is not my first language and I already had two coffee cups while writing this lol ..jks aside hope you respect what I just wrote ty.

  • Pamelaseattle

    Few more days left here in O'Hare area

    Publicado por Pamelaseattle

    Don't miss the the chance to have the best time yet with shemale TRUSTED ME😊😊

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